Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Change in Climate

I recently experienced a dramatic climate change. No, it's not global warming. Two weeks ago Tuesday my boss emailed me with dates for a two week vacation so I could go home. It wasn't unexpected, but I was still really excited. I immediately booked tickets.

 I was thrilled, but very busy. We were in the middle of changing out a failed tool, which basically means a lot of reports to close out an old job, then reports on the failure, then opening up for the new job and then physically changing out the tools, a process that can take about 6 hours. Wednesday morning, after being up all night working, my boss called me and asked if I'd like to go home for New Years Eve. He said I could leave the rig the next day and start my vacation Friday.

I spent the next day and a half handing over the job and dealing with the airlines. Trying to get a flight was a challenge and quite expensive. Luckily, my dad has a special talent for dealing with airlines and after I got fed up talking to them, he managed to get me a flight out.

Thursday I left the rig at 6:30 pm, getting back to my staff house at 8:30 that night. I dealt with my work computer, getting cash, arranging transport to the airport, feeding my self, and packing then went to bed for a few hours before waking up to go to the airport. I flew all day. From Villahermosa to Houston, Houston to Seattle, Seattle to Anchorage. I left my apartment at 5 am and arrived in Alaska at 9:30 that night. My parents met me at the airport with a fur coat and fur boots.

 It was about 95 deg F when I left Villahermosa and about -10 deg F in Anchorage.

Since arriving in Anchorage, Alaska has welcomed me back with some extremely cold weather. New Years Day I woke up to -24 deg F! I've been enjoying spending time with my family and friends. I've been Doing some skiing, hanging out with the dogs, and spending my paycheck. I'll be back in Villahermosa by mid January after a quick visit to Colorado. Then in mid February I'll be heading to Abu Dhabi for my Engineering-1 school. So far it looks like 2012 will be just as exciting as 2011 was! Happy New Year everyone!


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