Saturday, January 28, 2012

Back to Villa

I’m back in Villahermosa after more than two weeks back in the US. I had an amazing time with my family and friends. It was nice to just go back and fit again. But it was also nice to leave again. And don’t take that as a negative thing. It was hard to say goodbye again, especially not knowing when I would be back.

When I left Villahermosa I had a slight fear that I would get home and not want to leave again. I mean, what if all this time I’ve been delusional in thinking that I love my job and my life so much? It’s such an unusual life choice. What if I went back home and saw people living normal lives and coming home to their families every night and decided that I am actually completely crazy?  Well I’m back in Villa, so that should tell you something about how that turned out. I might be completely crazy, but I really do love what I’m doing.

Coming back to Villahermosa was strange. I never expected for it to feel so familiar.  To come back and start speaking Spanish again, to see my friends here and be excited (only to have them all abandon me quickly for the rig, sigh). Anyway, the point is that leaving and coming back only served to cement in my mind that I am doing what I’m supposed to. It’s hard. But somehow, life in the States now seems too easy. Where’s the challenge in doing your job in your first language? Seriously…

Since being back, I’ve studied for, taken, and passed my pre-school exam. Which means that the only thing between me and Abu Dhabi is less than two weeks and getting my airline tickets. After Abu Dhabi, I’m meeting my family in Spain for a two week vacation. I’m pretty psyched already and if you have suggestions on where to go and what to do, tell me! 

Also, I didn't put any pictures in here, but I have all my vacation pictures here! They're pretty much all pictures of snow... And a video of my dog wearing booties. 

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