In my job, we’re the main attraction. But there’s still the
opening act. And what does the main attraction do waiting for the opening act?
If we’re talking rock stars it’s sex and drugs. We’re less glamorous on the
rig. We mostly watch movies and eat. Boredom sets in pretty quickly. Some
people might think they get bored at work. I understand. I get bored at work
too. But for most people, it ends and they go home at the end of the day. Here
we don’t get to go home until the job is done. And if the job hasn’t even
started then going home is a long ways off.
Take for example, my past week at Juspi 1006. Oh Juspi…
I was slightly upset to be put on this job at first. After a
week and a half of ‘Katie, you’re going to work in the US’ ‘Katie, the US doesn’t
have space for you, you’re going to South America now’ and finally ‘Katie, we’re
just waiting to hear back from Argentina or Bolivia’ I wasn’t as pleased to
hear, ‘Katie, no place for you in South America. You’re going to Juspi’. Juspi and I got off to a bad start. Juspi is
not Argentina.
Friday, my coworker
and I arrive and spend the first 4 hours directing the installation of our
camper and work trailer and the generators that go with them. And by that I
mean, I point and say, put it here, then go and sleep in the van. After that,
we rig up our desktop computers and discover that neither of them is working.
This actually works in our favor. It means we can go to bed. No computers, no
working all night checking all the sensors and tools.
Katie: 1 Juspi: 0