I’m having a hard time believing that 2013 is coming to an
end. I still write 2012 on things about half the time. Clearly last year I was
in denial that another year had come and gone. This year I’m determined to meet
the New Year with a little more acceptance. My tactic? A classic 2012 2013
wrap up.
Things that happened in 2013:
Four of my best friends got married to each other. (in
pairs, don’t worry...)
I was very blessed to be able to witness the marriages of
first Robert and Melinda in May and Alison and Will in October. Robert and
Melinda had a small, beautiful wedding in the mountains that was probably the
most fun weekend I’ve had all year. Alison and Will gave me a beautiful picture
of what marriage means in God’s Kingdom. Even as I’ve been struggling to keep
God in my day to day life amid this crazy life, Alison and Will always manage
to remind me what life looks like following Jesus and why it’s worth such a
wild ride.

Alison, Melinda and I all met freshman year of college and
bonded over various adventures that have no place being written down. I’ve
loved having these two ladies in my life even as I’ve moved very far away to
Mexico. I’m also so proud to say that I can call each of their husbands true
friends. I can’t wait to see how marriage treats them all and the lessons I can
learn from them going first!
I travelled. A lot.

One of the reasons I chose to work in Mexico is because it
would give me the opportunity to travel more. Luckily I’ve been able to take
advantage of that more this year (and hopefully a lot more next year!) I
started my year off taking a cruise with Katelyn who works for SLB as a wireline
engineer in North Dakota. We started in Miami and sailed for a couple of days
before getting off in St Thomas, then US Virgin Islands and Jamaica. It was great! We relaxed by the pool, had
some very tasty food, spent some time at the spa and did some shopping.